Monday, July 11, 2011

What's the Real Issue

Senator Bernie Sanders seems to be one of the few fighting for the middle class and the poor. The Republicans would like to see Social Security privatized or cut. How, I ask, can you cut the people that get $3oo or $400 or even $500? These are the people who made the low wages and now we ask that they take a cut? If it is privatized, when the stock market drops, they lose. On the other hand, the mega rich don't need social security. Shouldn't there be a means test for them. Should we consign those who are poor to starvation so the rich can own 4 homes, 6 cars, etc. I want to know how you can live in 4 homes anyway.

This is just a sample of the way many of our representatives think. They are bought by the big industries and the big banks and big oil to name just a few. Isn't it time that we think of a way to keep big money out of the elections. I don't know how we can do it. But we need to try. Maybe it we each give a dollar to support elections - or two - we can have a fair election of the president and Congress. The people in Washington would work for us.

I think the real issue is this.

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